Hello! My name is Einar Birgir and I'm a front-end developer who loves to build great things.

I've been making intertron since GeoCities was the place to be and Altavista was the coolest search kid on the block. I currently reside in Göteborg Reykjavík, where I serve and obey a 2-year-old 6-year-old dictator called Kolfinnur Kali, who also happens to be my son.
I approach (almost) every project with enthusiasm (not really) and an ambition to create something beautiful, useful and pixel-perfectly crafted.
I also plan to update this interwebsite thing very soon (not really).
Feel free to contact me or follow me on twitter @einarbirgir.
Top 5 Albums
- 1. Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
- 2. Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
- 3. The Strokes - Is this it?
- 4. The Knife - Silent Shout
- 5. Belle and Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister
Top 5 Movies
- 1. Office Space
- 2. Pi
- 3. They Live
- 4. Evil Dead II
- 5. Låt den rätte komma in

Hjalti Jakobsson
Hjalti Jakobsson is a super talented Mac and iOS developer working for Apple. I coded his lovely portfolio. Design by Ragnar Freyr.
Front-End Development
Selected Albums
Every year I scribble down my favorite albums of the year. Selected Albums is my platform for these humble opinions.
Editor, User Interface, Front-End Development
Tvinna is a job board for the technology and creative scene in Iceland. Made by lazycomet.
Co-Founder, Front-End Development and Back-End Development.
A lazycomet music side project created in 2012. mixme.fm is bringing back the mixtape! Users could create a mood-based request and get personalized mixtapes from other mixme.fm users.
Co-Founder, Front-End Development and Product Design.
mixme.fm - no longer available.
gogoyoko is a online social music store where music fans can buy directly from the artists. I led the front-end development as well as coding some of the back-end logic during the period of 2008 to 2012. Among projects were the main UI framework, drag-n-drop HTML5 music upload, HTML5 audio player with site-wide continuos playback, embeddable song and playlist widgets.
Front-End Engineer, Product Design
gogoyoko.com - no longer available.
Instamilk is a super minimal and simple Instagram photo viewer launched in 2012. Adaptive, embeddable and customizable feed or an album of your instagrams.
Co-Founder, User Interface, Front-End Development
instamilk.com - no longer available.
leswork is a nërdy, simple and collaborative todo-list / web-app.
User Interface, Front-End and Back-End Development.
leswork - no longer available.
Kjötbókin is the Icelandic book of meat. Funded and run by Matís ohf. and launched in 2011. I took care of the front and back-end development. Graphic Design is by Porthönnun.
Front-End Development, Back-End Development
Selected Songs
Music has played a big role in my life and work. Selected Songs is a music blog I run. Custom HTML5 playback, CSS3 masonry fun and lots of nice music.
Editor, User Interface, Front-End and Back-End Development.
Gig Division
Gig Division is an interactive search tool for all the gigs just about to take place in your area. It's powered by the API's of SongKick and Google Maps. HTML5 geo-location, responsive layout and cool gigs.
Gig Division was acquired by a private investor in 2014.
Founder, User Interface, Front-End and Back-End Development.
gigdivision.com - no longer available
A highly practical and fucking useful time-telling website. Inspired by billions of exactly same looking wtf sites.
User Interface, Front-End and Back-End Development.